To benefit from our sample service, you will first need to find the wallpaper that you would like a sample of. Look out for the ‘Order Sample’ button on the product page. This will add your chosen sample to your basket, allowing you to checkout with ease and making that positive step in redecorating your home.
We know that viewing wallpaper on a screen can be difficult to do, and that many of our wallpapers have a texture as well. So for the majority of our wallpapers we offer a sampling service.
Our samples are currently A3 in size and will need to be fold in half to A4 size to be delivered by standard mail. This means unfortunately we are unable to provide tracking information with our sample orders, as they are sent using an untracked service. Delivery will be within 5 days from order being placed.
Wallpaper samples are chargeable and the price for each sample will be displayed in the 'Order Sample' button.